Monthly Membership Freeze Request

Conditions for Freeze

Confirmation of acceptance may take 3 business days from the time this form is received.

  • Your account must be in good standing, showing a zero ($0) balance.
  • Freezes cannot be backdated and will begin on your next billing cycle.

Freeze Terms

  • A freeze fee of $10.00 per billing cycle will be charged on your scheduled billing day.
  • The Annual Facility Improvement Fee will be billed on the scheduled billing day, regardless of membership status.
  • Annual contract terms will extend beyond the original term end date by the number of billing cycles of the freeze.
  • Members can freeze their membership for no more than three (3) consecutive billing cycles in any twelve (12) billing cycle period.
  • Members can freeze their membership for medical and military reasons for no more than six (6) consecutive billing cycles in any twelve (12) billing cycle period. Proper documentation is required for all medical and military freezes. Member Services will provide instructions on sending in the required documentation.

Early Unfreeze

If you resume membership early, the current billing cycle dues will be prorated and charged to your account. The freeze fee for the month is not refundable and does not apply to your prorate or scheduled dues.

Monthly Freeze Request Form

Account information is available in the NJAC Mobile App or Member Portal.

Member Name(Required)
Length of Freeze(Required)
Please select at most 2 options.
All freezes start on the 1st or 15th based on your billing cycle.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
All freezes end on the 1st or 15th based on your billing cycle.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Member Attestation(Required)

What Happens Next?

After submitting your bi-weekly freeze form, you will receive an email confirmation.

If there are any issues or additional steps needed, our team will contact you within 2-3 business days.